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Showing posts from February, 2012

Weekly Roundup

I was able to get back on track with my training last week, after taking a week off due to a cold and sinus problem. And it wasn't a moment too soon. There are less than three weeks until the DC Rock n Roll Half Marathon . This weekend, I decided to take it easy and hang back with my hubby for the majority of the long run. I have decided I enjoy it much more when I run in tandem with the hubster and my puppy. It was also a beautiful day. The air was crisp but the sun was warm. The brackish water of the bay smelled so fresh. The tide was out and the waves were crashing on the rocks of the jetties. In short, it was a perfect day for a run. But I digress. Here are the splits for my 11 mile run: Mile Time Best Pace 1 10:22 8:48 2 10:20 9:05 3 10:16 9:10 4 10:23 9:13 5 11:06 9:14 6 11:30 9:25 7 13:49 8:56 8 9:04 7:52 9 9:03 8:21 10 9:27 8:38 11 9:42 8:18 As you can see, we sort of fell off pace towards the middle of t...

What's for Dinner?

I do not know how dinner decisions are made in your house, but usually when the topic of dinner comes up with my husband and I, there are roughly 40 texts exchanged throughout the work day that include suggestions and a lot of "IDK," "Ehh," and other indecisive forms of communication. We have been going through this dance for years. Eventually, we come to an agreement on what will satisfy both of us or one of us makes the decision and gets to cooking. When I was making my grocery list for this weekend's shopping trip, it suddenly hit me. Why don't I plan our meals out in advance? I know what you are thinking, isn't that what everyone does? But no. This had never occurred to me before. Thankyouverymuch. And if it works to keep me on track with my workouts, why not my meals? Not only will this BRILLIANT idea save me time trying to decide what to prepare during the week, but it also gives me the foresight to have the ingredients I need to try new re...

Will Run For...

I run every week so I can be better than I was the week before. I run every week because it is my daily release. I run every week so I can be with my breath and be comfortable in my skin. I run every week because God matches my stride. I run every week for the chocolate milk reward. There are a million different reasons to run. To train, for fitness, for fun... what is your reasoning? If you need a fun excuse to run, check out I Run for Cookies and wish her luck on her first half-marathon this weekend.

Evolution of a Pizza

The old maxim says "starve a fever, feed a cold." Well that is what I was doing all of last week. I started out with a snuffle Monday afternoon, gradually growing to a hoarse throat, daily NyQuil hangovers, and putrid mucus. I. Felt. Awful. I do not get sick very often, so I took this as an opportunity to give myself a little bit of a break. Unfortunately, I got in exactly zero workouts for a total of zero miles. For the most part, I ate healthy. I had chicken noodle soup one night, beef and salad another night... one night I had sushi because I convinced myself the wasabi would clear my sinuses. It did not, but it was delicious none the less. The feeding of my cold culminated with a homemade pizza on Saturday. I made apple cinnamon pancakes for breakfast, and noticed my bread maker sitting on the counter lonely and neglected. I knew what I had to do. I pulled out the ingredients to make a half wheat flour, half white flour pizza dough and got to baking. Holy deli...

Long Run(s) Recap(s)

Life has been busy. Life events, both good and bad, have been occupying my time and keeping me from blogging. Phooey! The good news is, I have been trying out new recipes and am spending more ish time in the kitchen. Hopefully I will have some recipes to share with you soon. I have missed a few of my shorter running sessions for late nights at work, but have been nailing my long runs. For those of you who follow me on Daily Mile (username: FitForLifeWife), you already know that I completed my nine mile run last weekend in 1 hour 27 minutes, with an average pace of 9:39. This past weekend, however, was a little colder, icier, wetter, etc. I was unable to take my long run outside, but I did take it downstairs, to the treadmill in my basement. Let me tell you, 10 miles is a long time to be running in place, but I did it. The hubster was downstairs playing video games while I ran, and I kept teasing him that I was going to finish 10 miles before he beat his game. And I did. My pa...