This is going to be a quick post, but I'm going to write it from atop my soap box. **ahem** Can everybody hear me down there? Okay, good... Despite the fact that I've been living the Paleo lifestyle for just under a year now, I still get all the questions of why, and the accusations of being on a diet. First of all, I'm proud of my hard work and find it insulting to be told I am on a diet. Child please! Second, why wouldn't I live a lifestyle that makes me feel great, perform better, and improve my blood work? I suppose better than answering their questions, I could pose the same question to them: Why do you eat the way you do? Why do you eat processed foods high in sodium and preservatives? Why do you eat genetically modified organisms (GMOs)? Why do you drink liquid filled with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and calories? Why do you poison your body on a regular basis and inch closer towards modern, degenerative diseases which have been linked to your di...
Musings of a Christ-following mom of boys, devoted wife, and dreamer, figuring out how to be a good parent and steward of the arrows in my quiver while navigating the world of indie publishing.